Static pressure exerted by ambient air - With ‘Vent Any Room” the unique tile duct kit from Universal Tile Ventilators you can duct any room in the home looks really neat works even better, naturally!
“Vent any room” removes the unwanted stale hot moist air from any room replacing it with fresh air naturally. The ideal solution for improving the comfort and health of your home can easily be controlled through the adjustable ceiling register provided in the kit.
- Kit includes a tile duct six metres of 150 mil or 6” flexible ducting and an adjustable click in ceiling register.
- Unobtrusive and highly effective:- sits flush with the roof tiles becoming part of the roof you can hardly see them.
- Easy installation:- no fooling around with pipes through the roof or flashings to leak or blow out no ugly protusions above the roofline. Just replace a tile with a tile duct roof jobs done - looks great.
- Unlike pipes, due to the bowed design with “Vent Any Room” backdraft or downdrafts are almost eliminated however allowing gentle airflow between the ceiling and the tile duct, this is a great advantage allowing the hot moist air to be replaced with fresh air which can be easily controlled to your desire using the adjustable ceiling register although you will probably prefer to have it open at all times when you realise the increased quality to your comfort.
- Mould Mildew and Fungi - Sick Building Syndrome can be caused by many things including household chemicals however one of the largest contributors to SBS is mould and mildew. (There is plenty of information on our site about SBS.) Allowing the hot stuffy moist air to be replaced with fresh air will keep the ceiling area and room dry from moisture helping to protect individual rooms from mould mildew and fungi growth which commonly develops in humid summer weather especially in closed houses.
- Toilets and Laundries - get rid of the moisture laden air and unwanted odours.
- Bedrooms singular or networks to maximise the use of cross ventilation – you may have 3 or 4 bedrooms and if you fix a “Vent Any Room” kit to each bedroom open all the doors to the inside of your home this will allow air pressure streams to circulate through the home and exhaust through the tile ducts, this will work well whilst the home is locked up in the daytime during the summer months, just imagine what happens when you come home from work and open all the windows. The more “vent any rooms” you install the more it will work.
“Vent Any Room” is ideal for any room in the home allowing air exchange with the ambient temperature via convection and free air flow (fluid dynamics) rather than by mechanical means this can also incorporate the use of open doors or windows to allow free airflow and/or borrowed airflow from other rooms.
This is another unique product from Universal Tile Ventilators all of our products are designed for the health and comfort of our customers always with energy efficiency in mind.
“Vent Any Room” is also available with our Smoothline ventilators for corrugated colorbond roofs.